Are you prepared for the tummy tuck recovery?
There are three important stages in the process of getting a firmer and flatter tummy with the help of abdominoplasty. First, we have the pre-operative stage, then the operative stage and the post-operative stage. Each of these stages is important for the success of the procedure and avoiding unnecessary complications.
The recovery after the tummy tuck is often no longer than two weeks. However, the patient must be well-prepared for this recovery period even before the operation.
It is during the pre-operative consultation that the plastic surgeon will give you the first instructions about what to do and not do during the recovery period after the tummy tuck. These post-op instructions will be reinforced after the procedure is performed.
To find out if you are prepared for the tummy tuck recovery, you should ask yourself a few questions:
1. Am I physically ready for the surgery?
By physically ready we mean in a good health condition and free from medication that could trigger complications. You will need to stop birth control pills the month before the procedure and anti-inflammatory medication at least two weeks prior to the surgery date. Moreover, the patient should keep a balanced and healthy eating regimen before the surgery.
2. Am I emotionally prepared for the recovery after the tummy tuck?
The tummy tuck surgery is no walk in the park. The patient can return home within hours after waking up from the general anesthesia, but this doesn’t mean that he can resume his daily activities straight away. The beginning of the recovery period after the tummy tuck will be marked by certain levels of pain and discomfort. The patient should know what to expect and be prepared to deal with this. The plastic surgeon will prescribe medication to alleviate the discomfort and pain. Walking, sleeping and all other daily functions can be a bit different during the first few days of the recovery period. The patient shouldn’t sleep on the tummy or the sides if the hourglass tummy tuck was performed, and walking should be done with the body slightly bent forward to avoid pressure on the incision points.
3. Is my house prepared for my recovery?
After returning home from the medical facility, you won’t be able to resume daily chores immediately. Among the things that are to be avoided are lifting objects from the floor, overstretching and so on. This means that even before leaving to get the tummy tuck, you should make sure that the house is ready for recovery. Make sure that the food is somewhere accessible and the same is valid for entertainment. Moreover, it would be recommended to get a family member or a friend to come help you around the house and stay with you at least for the first 48 hours post-op.