How will aging and gravity affect the results of tummy tuck? - Hourglass Tummy Tuck
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How will aging and gravity affect the results of tummy tuck?

The tummy can develop an unsightly appearance due to many factors such as multiple pregnancies, weight fluctuations, and even the natural aging process. The tummy tuck procedure is often performed on men and women after a certain age who deal with a certain amount of sagginess on the lower part of the abdomen that can only be corrected with the help of surgical excision.

Plastic surgery often delivers permanent results. However, by permanent results, we are actually talking about results that can last longer in time in the absence of other factors that could cause additional imperfections or aging. But the natural aging process and gravity are two of the factors that can cause sagginess on the abdomen, even after a tummy tuck.

With aging, the skin loses elasticity and the production of elastin and collagen is much reduced. This means that the skin might start sagging and won’t look as toned as it used to in one’s youth. This is a natural process and it affects all of us at a certain time.

After undergoing a tummy tuck, the skin on the abdominal area is re-draped over the tummy and the excess skin and fat is removed surgically. This means that during the procedure, the plastic surgeon will cut the excess skin and eliminate it from the abdominal area. If this procedure is performed on a patient over 40, chances are the sagginess of skin on the tummy will never again be a real problem that will require surgical treatment, if the patient follows the surgeon’s recommendation and is committed to sustaining the results. However, if the tummy tuck is performed on a younger patient, chances are with time, skin sagginess on the abdominal wall will occur once again under the effects of gravity and the natural aging process.

Patients are often advised to schedule the tummy tuck when they know they are done having children and their weight is close to their ideal one. This way the plastic surgeon tries to eliminate factors that could furthermore affect the appearance of the tummy in a negative way in the future. However, gravity and aging can’t be stopped, not even with the help of modern plastic surgery. It is important for patients to keep in mind the fact that even if the appearance of the tummy will be affected by the passing of time, it will still look much younger than the tummy of other people of the same age who have never undergone a tummy tuck.

To sustain the results of the procedure for longer, make sure to eat right, get plenty of exercise and keep the skin on the tummy moisturized and hydrated. Massages can be a simple way to keep the tonus of the skin in shape for longer.








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