What you should do before an hourglass tummy tuck - Hourglass Tummy Tuck
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What you should do before an hourglass tummy tuck

What you should do before an hourglass tummy tuck


The hourglass tummy tuck is a modern plastic surgery procedure that aims to correct the flaws of the traditional abdominoplasty and deliver spectacular results with minimal risks involved. The hourglass tummy tuck is a combination of three plastic surgery methods: liposuction, abdominoplasty and fat transfer. 

The procedure starts with liposuction being performed on the donor areas from which fat will be extracted to create better definition. Usually, the donor areas are the flanks and the abdominal wall. After these areas have been slimmed down, traditional abdominoplasty will be performed to strengthen loose abdominal muscles, fix umbilical hernia, and eliminate the excess of skin and fat tissue from the tummy. Once the sutures are made, the third stage of the hourglass tummy tuck can begin. This is the fat transfer to the hips. What the hourglass tummy tuck actually does is redistribute the fat from the midline to the hips to create beautiful curves in all the right places. In this manner, we change the hip to waist ratio and the beautiful hourglass silhouette appears.

The hourglass tummy tuck is a complex procedure that requires a great deal of preparation. Many patients want to know what to do before undergoing the hourglass tummy tuck. There are three aspects that we need to address: prepare your home for the recovery period, prepare your body for the surgery, and prepare yourself emotionally. Each of these preparations is just as important, and nothing should be left to chance.

When it comes to preparing emotionally, the patient should be aware of the risks and complications that can occur and also what needs to be done in case they do occur. Nowadays the chances of developing a complication after the hourglass tummy tuck are small; however, knowing exactly what to expect will reduce the level of anxiety and stress that you can experience before and after the surgery.

When it comes to the physical preparation, things are pretty simple. All you need to do is follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon to the letter. The plastic surgeon will tell you that you need to keep a balanced and healthy diet for a month before the procedure, to avoid excesses of all types, not to take anti-inflammatory medication for two weeks before the surgery, stop birth control medication a month before the surgery, and avoid even getting a cold as this might determine the need to postpone the procedure. What you should remember is that you need to be in top condition physically and emotionally to be ready to undergo the hourglass tummy tuck.

Last but not least, prepare the house for the recovery period. It would be ideal to do all the shopping, cleaning and cooking a week in advance before the procedure as it can take a while before you are ready to resume daily activities after the hourglass tummy tuck. 









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