3 Questions to ask the plastic surgeon before a tummy tuck surgery - Hourglass Tummy Tuck
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3 Questions to ask the plastic surgeon before a tummy tuck surgery

The pre-operative consultation for the tummy tuck is an important first step that the patient must take in order to achieve a flatter and firmer tummy. During this initial meeting with the plastic surgeon, there will be many topics to discuss in detail, including medical history, current medication, allergies, and also the surgical plan and recommendations for your particular case. The initial consultation can take quite some time, especially considering the fact that the plastic surgeon will also perform a medical evaluation of the tissues of the tummy. To make sure you don’t forget to ask any important questions, make sure to write down the topics you want to discuss and go to the consultation prepared with a list. However, also write down three important questions to ask the plastic surgeon before the tummy tuck surgery:

1. Am I a good candidate for the tummy tuck?

During the pre-operative consultation, the plastic surgeon should look for potential contraindications to the procedure. Generally speaking, the tummy tuck should not be performed on people who don’t accept that the procedure will leave behind permanent scars, who are not willing to understand or accept the potential risks and complications, and those who can’t or don’t want to stop smoking for at least three weeks before and after the procedure. Aside from these general contraindications, there are others related to the health and emotional condition of the patient. To be a good candidate for the tummy tuck, the patient should not be confronted with severe or chronic heart, lung and blood conditions or other conditions that require medication that can’t be stopped. Being assessed as a good candidate for the procedure is important and keep in mind that it is not only the success of your surgery at stake here but also your well-being during and after the surgery.

2. What type of tummy tuck is recommended for my particular case?

The plastic surgeon will be able to answer this question only after the physical examination of the tissues of the tummy and after you have explained the goals and expectations you have from the procedure. Depending on the condition of the tissues, the plastic surgeon might recommend a mini tummy tuck, a complete tummy tuck or an extended tummy tuck. Depending on the goals of the patient, the hourglass tummy tuck might be recommended.

3. How can I better prepare for the surgery?

This is an important question, and the plastic surgeon should give you a list of pre-operative instructions. Among these instructions will be things related to medication that you need to stop taking for two weeks and up to a month before the surgery date but also other details about how to prepare your home for the recovery period, taking time off from work and so on.








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