Hourglass tummy tuck after pregnancy
The tummy tuck is a procedure commonly performed on women who had the appearance of their tummies affected by different factors, with pregnancy among the most significant of them. There are several changes induced by pregnancy on the body. Some women mention breast sagginess and unwanted adipose deposits, but also saggy skin on the tummy and an abdominal wall that is not overly flat or firm.
Abdominoplasty is performed to correct the imperfections of the abdominal wall such as skin sagginess, distended muscles, umbilical hernia, etc. The procedure is safe and delivers impressive results, especially when performed after childbirth.
In this article, we will discuss the hourglass tummy tuck after pregnancy and the benefits it can bring to the patient.
The tummy tuck vs. the hourglass tummy tuck
The tummy tuck is performed to get a flat and firm tummy while the hourglass tummy tuck is performed to get an hourglass body shape with a flat and firm tummy. Just from this definition alone, you can already see that the spectrum of benefits of the hourglass tummy tuck is much more extensive compared to the classic abdominoplasty.
To give you an even better idea of what the hourglass tummy tuck can do for you, you should know that the procedure was developed to correct the flaws left behind by the traditional tummy tuck. Because the traditional tummy tuck only deals with the abdominal wall, it is not uncommon for patients undergoing this procedure to be left with a square body shape and even unwanted fat deposits on the tummy. This is actually one of the reasons why patients are not satisfied with the results achieved with the classic abdominoplasty. They undergo the procedure with expectations that it will completely change how they look, without understanding that the tummy tuck only deals with the muscles and the excess skin on the tummy and has no effect on the adipose tissue present on the abdominal wall or the excess skin and fat tissue on the flanks.
A responsible and experienced plastic surgeon who is also board-certified will be able to guide you to the best procedure that can deliver good results. For women with unwanted fat deposits on the flanks and the abdominal wall and have narrow hips, the best surgical solution is the hourglass tummy tuck.
When the hourglass tummy tuck is performed, the plastic surgeon will start by eliminating the unwanted fat from the flanks and the abdomen with the help of liposuction. But the fat extracted with liposuction will not be discharged after being extracted. After collection, the fat will go through a complex purification process that will eliminate the blood, damaged fat cells, and other impurities and leave behind just pure and healthy fat cells that will be used in the last stage of the procedure for fat injection into the hips. In between liposuction and fat transfer to the hips, the plastic surgeon will perform the techniques of classic abdominoplasty to create a firm and flat appearance of the tummy.
The benefits of adding liposuction to the mix are obvious, as the dimensions of the waist are reduced and the patient can enjoy a better-defined midline. At the same time, by adding some fat to the hips, we create curves where there was just a square shape before. This means that women who undergo the hourglass tummy tuck can enjoy a more feminine body shape and reduced dimensions for the midline, compared to women getting the classic tummy tuck that will only make their abdomens flatter and firmer.
The hourglass tummy tuck can be performed in two and up to five hours, depending on the complexity of each case. It requires general anesthetic and for the patient to be willing to comply with the post-operative instructions and rules. The hospitalization period after the hourglass tummy tuck is a few hours with a two-week period for recovery. During the first two weeks post-op, most patients will be able to resume their daily activities and even work, but keep in mind that intense physical efforts are to be avoided for a minimum of four to eight weeks post-op. The final results of the procedure can take between three to nine months to occur.
Hourglass tummy tuck after pregnancy
When patients ask about the best time to get a tummy tuck, I always tell them that this would be after childbirth and when you know your family is complete and you have no desire to get pregnant again in the future. Why is the timing so important when it comes to the hourglass tummy tuck? It has already been established that one of the factors that can significantly alter the appearance of the abdominal area is pregnancy. This means that after childbirth, women will struggle with an unappealing appearance of the tummy, and in some cases even distended muscles. The hourglass tummy tuck can correct this, but if a new pregnancy occurs again after the hourglass tummy tuck, the aesthetic results can be altered and the patient might need surgery again.
So, when should you schedule the hourglass tummy tuck after pregnancy? Many women would love the idea of jumping straight out the maternity ward to the plastic surgeon’s operating table, but this is not how things are done, not if we want to achieve results that are long-lasting.
The hourglass tummy tuck should be scheduled at least nine to twelve months after childbirth. This will give the body enough time to get back to the pre-pregnancy shape and size, not to mention to lose all that baby weight. The changes that affected the appearance of the tummy so much that plastic surgery is required took nine months, and we need to allow the body at least the same amount of time to restore and heal after pregnancy. Most new mothers will also have to wait some months to get rid of the baby weight as in a vast majority of cases, the body doesn’t just bounce back to pre-pregnancy weight immediately.
Even if it has been more than nine to twelve months after childbirth, if the patient is not back to a normal weight, the hourglass tummy tuck should be postponed for a while longer. The plastic surgeon will address the unwanted adipose tissue on the tummy and flanks with liposuction, but this doesn’t mean that patients who are overweight are suitable candidates. There is a limit to the fat that can be extracted safely in one liposuction session, and it is no more than six to seven liters of fat. Any more than this and the risks are increased exponentially, and the patient can suffer life-threatening consequences. This means that if you are not of a normal weight, the recommendation would be to keep a diet and lose the excess weight. After this, wait at least six months while keeping your weight stable, and after this time it is safe and recommended to undergo the hourglass tummy tuck.
To be sure that you are scheduling your hourglass tummy tuck at the correct time after pregnancy and childbirth, discuss this issue with the plastic surgeon of your choice during a pre-operative consultation.
The hourglass tummy tuck is a modern, cutting-edge plastic surgery procedure that is recommended for different categories of patients. Among the patients that are good candidates are mothers who had one or multiple pregnancies. The recommendation is to schedule the procedure only after you know your family is complete and you don’t desire to get pregnant again in the future. An ulterior pregnancy can ruin the results and determine the need for revision surgery later on in life.
Also, keep in mind that you can’t have the hourglass tummy tuck as soon as you have given birth. It is important to allow the body at least nine to twelve months to heal and restore after childbirth. Also, the body should get back to a shape and size closer to what it had before getting pregnant, and the patient should lose all excess weight before undergoing the procedure.
Weight fluctuations that occur after the hourglass tummy tuck can alter the results. Even if it is more than a year after childbirth but the patient hasn’t reached normal weight, the recommendation is to postpone the procedure a bit more and follow a diet or a weight loss program before scheduling the hourglass tummy tuck.