Beauty After Baby: 3 Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Mommy Makeover - Hourglass Tummy Tuck
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Beauty After Baby: 3 Essential Questions to Ask Yourself Before a Mommy Makeover

Making the decision to have a Mommy Makeover often involves a lot of questions and doubts for most of the women who see Dr. Cortes for a consultation here at our Houston body contouring surgery practice.

There’s the question of what specific outcomes you would want to see, which procedure/s can help achieve your desired outcomes, and whether or not you are actually physically and mentally ready to have the makeover. In addition, there’s a lot of planning involved — from making sure someone will be watching over your little ones while you’re in surgery to making sure that you have chosen a plastic surgeon that you’re most comfortable with. 

By and large, there are 3 questions that you need to critically ask yourself before making the decision to have a Mommy Makeover. We encourage you to be honest with your answers to help you get on the right track and achieve your desired outcomes as much as possible.

1. Are you within or near your ideal weight for the past 6 months or so?
Losing the extra pounds and being within or near your ideal weight before having the procedure will help you achieve the desired outcomes.

2. Are you done having children?
If you’re planning to give birth again, you might want to postpone your plans of a Mommy Makeover, particularly having a tummy tuck. Pregnancy can re-separate again the abdominal muscles that are tightened during a tummy tuck.

3. Are you done breastfeeding?
The increased blood vessel activity coupled with enlarged ducts while breastfeeding increases your risk of bleeding during surgery. Thus, it may be best to put off surgery first until you’re done breastfeeding.

Your Mommy Makeover Consultation with Dr. Cortes

To learn more about your Mommy Makeover options with Dr. Cortes, we invite you to get in touch with us for a personal consultation. Call us at 713.234.6244 or fill out this contact form to schedule a personal consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your pre-baby body and beauty back!








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