How many check-ups after the hourglass tummy tuck? - Hourglass Tummy Tuck
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How many check-ups after the hourglass tummy tuck?

How many check-ups after the hourglass tummy tuck?


The hourglass tummy tuck can help women achieve the hourglass silhouette that is so desired nowadays. Less than 8% of the women are born with this beautiful silhouette, and even when they are born with it, and it can be rather easy to lose it due to hectic and bad lifestyle choices. The hourglass silhouette is characterized by alluring curves. The waist is much smaller than the hips and the shoulders, creating the appearance of an hourglass. Women with the hourglass figure are considered the sexiest.

Nowadays plastic surgery can come to the aide of women looking for an improvement in the shape of the body. The hourglass tummy tuck is one of the procedures that can be performed to correct the unsightly appearance of the abdomen, reduce the dimensions of the waist, and make the hips wider. The procedure should be performed only in an accredited medical facility and by an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon. You will notice that there are not many surgeons offering this type of procedure and this is a good thing. The procedure is complicated and achieving satisfactory results requires lots of talent, skills and also a good understanding of the female body. 

After the procedure, the patient won’t be able to see the final results in the first few months as there will be side effects such as swelling and bruising that will prevent this. Keep in mind that after the fat transfer to the hips, the hips will be much larger in the first two months than after this period of time. During the initial months after the surgery, the body will absorb a certain percentage of the fat. After the first three months, about 70% of the fat injected into the hips will remain there and develop a blood network that ensures its survival. 

After the procedure, the patient is asked to see the plastic surgeon again in the next one or two days post-op. If they were inserted, drain tubes would be removed during the first consultation after the hourglass tummy tuck. Also, the plastic surgeon will make sure that the recovery is going according to the plan and there is no sign of a complication such an infection. 

The next checkup is usually scheduled a week or so after the procedure. The third consultation will be a month after, and the patient can schedule appointments every three months afterwards. As you can see, the follow-up consultations with the plastic surgeon after the hourglass tummy tuck are important. Patients need to understand that after the surgery, it is essential for the success of your procedure to allow the plastic surgeon to monitor the healing and cicatrization process. He will also come up with solutions in case abnormal scarring occurs. 








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