Low impact exercises after the tummy tuck - Hourglass Tummy Tuck
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Low impact exercises after the tummy tuck

Low impact exercises after the tummy tuck


The tummy tuck can take up to four or more hours to be performed. The length of the procedure is dependent on the surgical plan to be followed, the amount of tissue to be removed, and whether other procedures are combined with it or not. Generally speaking, the tummy tuck is a rather invasive procedure that requires an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to perform it and a patient in good health and emotional condition.

After the procedure, the patient will remain in the medical facility for no longer than a few hours, long enough to recover from the effects of the general anesthesia that is often preferred for this type of procedure. If no complications occur in the first few hours post-op, the patient is no longer required to spend the night in the hospital and he can go home for the recovery period.

It is important for patients interested in undergoing the tummy tuck to understand that the recovery period will take a while. Usually, we are talking about two to three weeks, depending on the age of the patient and if there are pre-existing health conditions or not. Most patients will experience a certain level of pain and discomfort over the first few days post-op, and this is why the plastic surgeon will prescribe pain medication. Antibiotics are also prescribed to be administered for five days post-op to prevent infections. 

While rest is important and mandatory for your recovery process, the plastic surgeon will make it a priority to tell you that you need to get off the bed and walk around the room for about ten minutes every couple of hours. One of the risks associated with undergoing a tummy tuck is deep vein thrombosis, a condition that is life-threatening, characterized by the formation of blood clots. Walking after the tummy tuck will not only help you avoid the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis, but also speed up the recovery process. 

Patients who are used to being active ask about low impact exercises that they can perform immediately after the tummy tuck. My recommendation is to avoid any type of exercise aside from walking for the first two-week post-op. During this time you should also avoid sneezing, coughing and laughing too hard as not to rupture the incisions and open the wounds. After the first month post-op, the plastic surgeon might give you the green light for swimming or other activities, but only if your recovery process is going very well and if  the incisions are healed. Keep in mind that undergoing more intense physical exercises can result in wound dehiscence, delayed wound healing, bad scarring, and others, so it is something to be avoided at all costs. Even when it is safe to resume physical exercise, make sure to take it gradually and stop if you feel any pain on the operated area.








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