General recommendations after the hourglass tummy tuck - Hourglass Tummy Tuck
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General recommendations after the hourglass tummy tuck

General recommendations after the hourglass tummy tuck

Women with narrow hips, saggy skin on the tummy, and unwanted fat deposits localized in the flanks can now benefit from a procedure that will target all these imperfections in one operation and deliver impressive results. It is rather common nowadays for women to have more than one aesthetic issue bothering them. Often it is about the appearance of the tummy and the midline as this is where fat tends to accumulate, and with time the contour of the body can suffer because of this. Fat deposits on the midline can occur as a result of a hectic lifestyle, the natural aging process, multiple pregnancies, and other factors. Also, when it comes to the sagginess of the skin on the tummy and the lack of firmness and flatness of the abdomen, it can impact the whole appearance of a woman.
The good news is that nowadays the hourglass tummy tuck can be performed to correct all these imperfections and deliver a considerable improvement in the outline of the body. The procedure entails the use of combined plastic surgery methods and techniques to deliver spectacular aesthetic results in just one operation. After the procedure, patients are required to follow the surgeon’s instructions to the letter to ensure the best results occur. Here are some general recommendations after the hourglass tummy tuck:

– Have a balanced eating regimen
Not all patients understand how important it is to have a balanced eating regimen after the hourglass tummy tuck. Before anything else, a good, healthy diet will help you heal faster and shorten the recovery period. Moreover, a balanced eating regimen will help you avoid having an upset tummy or bloating after the tummy tuck, which is something we are trying to avoid due to the location of the incisions.

– Wear the girdle
The girdle or compression garments are mandatory to be worn non-stop for the first weeks post-op to give support to the tummy and the operated area and to reduce the swelling. Make sure to choose good quality clothing and wear them as per the doctor’s orders. After the initial period is over, the patient will still be required to wear them, but only during the day.

– Don’t smoke
Smoking can significantly interfere with and disturb the healing process. Smoking affects the oxygenation of the tissues in the operated areas leading to prolonged healing time and even other complications such as skin and fat tissue necrosis and wound dehiscence. Make sure to avoid smoking for a minimum of three weeks after the hourglass tummy tuck.

– Don’t sleep or lie on the sides of the body
Patients are asked to do their best to avoid sleeping or resting on the sides of the body after the hourglass tummy tuck. Too much pressure applied on the areas where fat was transferred can cause the death of the fat cells grafted into the hips.








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