What to do if confronted with wound dehiscence after the tummy tuck - Hourglass Tummy Tuck
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What to do if confronted with wound dehiscence after the tummy tuck

What to do if confronted with wound dehiscence after the tummy tuck


The tummy tuck is a major plastic surgery procedure quite invasive on the body as it entails an incision that can be as long as from hip bone to hip bone and also the excision of the excess skin present on the lower part of the tummy. Because it is such a complex surgery, the plastic surgeon will advise patients to prepare properly and also to adopt a certain behavior after the procedure. 

Just like any other surgical procedure, there are risks and complications that are possible to occur after the tummy tuck. Depending on multiple factors, some patients are more at risk than others. Generally speaking, smoking and preexisting health conditions can lead to an increased risk of developing a complication. 

One of the complications that can occur after a tummy tuck is wound dehiscence. Wound dehiscence is the opening of the incisions after the procedure. It can lead to infections and bad scarring if not treated in time. Many patients want to know how this complication can occur and what can be done to prevent it. 

Wound dehiscence is one of the complications that tend to occur more frequently in patients who smoke. A responsible plastic surgeon will advise the patient to stop smoking three to six weeks before the tummy tuck and remain a non-smoker for at least the same amount of time post-op. Smoking can interfere with the incisions’ healing process as it triggers poor oxygenation of the blood and the vasoconstriction of the blood vessels. The lack of proper vascularization in the area could lead to wound dehiscence and even the necrosis of the tissues. 

Wound dehiscence can also occur if the patient puts too much pressure on the incisions or doesn’t follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon for sleeping and walking positions. Some patients will notice that the sutures rupture and the wound is opened after trying to lift something heavy from the floor, after lifting their toddlers in their arms, and so on. Something as simple as too much laughing, sneezing, and coughing can trigger wound dehiscence, so make sure you apply pressure on the operated area if these occur. 

If you are confronted with wound dehiscence, it is important to contact the plastic surgeon immediately as treatment must be administered. In some cases, the plastic surgeon will need to remove the dead tissue and suture the wounds again to create the premises for a good cicatrization process. The longer you stay with the wounds open, the higher is the risk to develop an infection that might be very difficult to treat later on. 

Wound dehiscence is not a common complication after the tummy tuck; however, patients should always follow the recommendations of the surgeon to avoid it. 








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