When to contact the plastic surgeon after abdominoplasty
When to contact the plastic surgeon after abdominoplasty
Just like any other plastic surgery, there are risks and complications associated with undergoing abdominoplasty. Among the complications and side effects that can occur after the procedure are:
– Pain and discomfort
– Swelling and bruising
– Seromas and hematomas
– Infections
– Wound dehiscence
– Skin necrosis
While some side effects are normal to occur as the body starts to heal and responds to the surgical trauma, there are others that require the opinion of a plastic surgeon. It is important to know when to contact the plastic surgeon after an abdominoplasty, and here we have prepared some cases in which you need to do this:
- You feel intense pain
While pain is a normal occurrence after any type of surgical procedure, it should be easily alleviated with the help of analgesic medication that is prescribed by the plastic surgeon. However, intense pain requires the assistance of the plastic surgeon as this might be the sign of an infection that needs to be treated as soon as possible.
- The swelling doesn’t subside months after the procedure
Swelling can last for weeks and even months in the operated area. However, it should subside with time. Applying ice packs during the first few days post-op, taking Arnica Montana supplements, and wearing the compression garments recommended by the plastic surgeon should help. If no improvement is noticed within two months, you should contact the plastic surgeon about this.
- Large seromas and hematomas
Blood and fluid accumulations at the incision site can occur after abdominoplasty. They are called seromas if they are filled with liquid and hematomas if they have blood inside. Small seromas and hematomas are usually reabsorbed by the body and disappear without additional treatment. However, larger seromas and hematomas should be seen by the plastic surgeon as they might require treatment. The plastic surgeon might need to use a syringe with a needle to remove the liquid inside and even excise them surgically. To avoid the formation of large seromas and hematomas, the plastic surgeon might insert drain tubes on each side of the tummy after the abdominoplasty.
- There are signs of infection present
One of the signs of infection is intense pain. However, it is usually associated with other signs such as high fever, pus coming from the incision site, and a pulsing sensation on the operated area. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is time you contact the plastic surgeon.
- The surgical incisions have opened
The opening of the incisions can be triggered by applying too much pressure on them like when lifting something heavy with your arms. It can lead to severe complications, so make sure to contact the plastic surgeon as soon as you notice this.